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  XOR BroadVision is based in Los Altos California. I worked for them from my basement. Their website "The Angle" was voted one of the Ten Best Personalized Sites by NetGuide Magazine. A lot of good that did us. Over the course of forty-four weeks I wrote over two hundred columns and enjoyed the feedback from our viewers.

BroadVision's "The Angle"


Chosen to be a contributing editor writing a daily online column containing relevant links. Created an identifiable personality to attract and hold subscribers.

Never missing a deadline, I wrote over two hundred separate articles which are archived HERE. Initial scope of responsibilities included over forty web site recommendations per week.

The Angle served as BroadVision's proof of concept for their personalization software which is doing well internationally. I became their most popular writer, based on traffic, amongst a 'legitimate journalist" and even a Pulitzer nominee.

This little movie (1.6Mb, so watch out) is Soledad O'Brien mispronouncing my name on MSNBC's "The Site" television program.